APR 2014
Sunshine Egg Hunt - Noon
@ W.E.S. School
Republican Club Past Dinner - 4:30pm @ VFW Hall
W.C.C.Egg Hunt - 3pm
@ Ham. Middle School
Republican Club Past Dinner - 4:30pm @ VFW Hall
NJ Hearing Center - 11am Hammonton Canoe Club
Bells Are Ringing - 7:30pm to 9:30pm - St. Josph Elem. Sch
AtlantiCare Lecture - 11am Hammonton Canoe Club
Easter Egg Dying 3-4pm @ Family Success Cnter
BINGO - 1pm Hammonton Canoe Club
Parkhurst Family His - 11am Hammonton Canoe Club
(speaker has been canceled)
7:30pm DAV meeting - 446 S. Egg Harbor Rd
Bells Are Ringing - 7:30pm to 9:30pm - St. Josph Elem. Sch
Bells Are Ringing - 7:30pm to 9:30pm - St. Josph Elem. Sch
Buffet Brkst 8am-noon @ St. Anthony Hall - Rt. 206
Bells Are Ringing - 3pm to 5pm - St. Josph Elem. Sch
$5 Brfst East Bun 8-11am Masonic Ldg Mays Landing
82 Mill st.
$8 Pot Luck Dinner 5:30 pm @ VFW - 390 S Egg Harb. Rd
VFW Meeting -7:30pm
390 S Egg Harbor Road
7:30pm-Amer Legion Hall Meeting-101 French St
Family Dinner & Movie 5-8pm
Family Success Cntr
$8 Chik Tery Dinner 5:30 pm @ VFW - 390 S Egg Harb. Rd