MAR 2014
Lines on the Pines-11am @
Kerri Brooke Caterers
Senior Helpers - 11am Hammonton Canoe Club
AtlantiCare Lecture - 10:30am Hammonton Canoe Club
$10 fish fry - 4pm-7pm @ Masonic Hall, Central & Peach
Bingo - Noon @ Hammonton Canoe Club
Master Gardner - 11am Hammonton Canoe Club
10am Bus Trip to PADRE PIO
BARTO, PA by PIH Found.
Taste of the Town3pm @
Hammonton High Schl. Gym
Pancake Supper 5pm - St. Marks Church
Murder Mystery - 7pm
Fire House #2
Town 150th Planning - 7pm @ The Canoe Club
7:30pm-Amer Legion Hall Meeting-101 French St
$8 Lasagna dinner 5:30 pm @ VFW - 390 S Egg Harb. Rd
VFW Meeting -7:30pm
390 S Egg Harbor Road
Lake Park Clean-up @10am - Hammonton Park
$8 "souper luncheon", 12pm-3pm, 398 Bellv, Methodist Ch.